Advice, Favorites

Are You Speaking My Language?

In college I was introduced to the concept of the 5 love languages and the personality quiz you can take to find out which of the five is your primary love language. I was thinking about the quiz recently and decided to read the book “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman to better understand… Continue reading Are You Speaking My Language?

Advice, Beginner Runners Guide

Getting Past the Mental Wall

A common phrase passed around the running community (or any sports/fitness community for that matter) is “hitting the wall”. Specifically a mental wall. That moment when you just cannot get your body to go any further or push any harder. This is when people give up. This is the barrier between reaching your goal and… Continue reading Getting Past the Mental Wall

Advice, fitness

Enjoy Your Off Season

I talk a lot about running and preparing for races, but something that is equally important to pushing yourself during training is making sure you take time to recover and take an off season. Pushing hard in your training puts a lot of strain on your body, and all the damage you have acquired while… Continue reading Enjoy Your Off Season

adulting, Advice

Not all Work is Physical

Today is World Mental Health Day during Mental Health Week, so I thought it was only appropriate to write a little something about what goes on in those silly little heads of ours. This post was spurred out of a conversation that I had with a friend today about what self care is and how… Continue reading Not all Work is Physical

adulting, Advice

The Good, The Bad, and The Sappy….Yes, I’m Talking About Relationships

Part of this weird lifestage called “adulthood” is watching and being involved in romantic relationships. Post-college, these things take on a whole new meaning. You start seeing friends move in with their significant others, things start to get more serious, you now understand the meaning of “wedding season”. The whole ordeal is quite a lot… Continue reading The Good, The Bad, and The Sappy….Yes, I’m Talking About Relationships


Find Your Tribe: Women Supporting Women

Let me start this post out by saying I am incredibly lucky. I have the most supportive, wonderful friends who remind me frequently how much they all love me. I really hope that everyone can have this in their lives and know that feeling of unwavering support from a group of badass women.  It is… Continue reading Find Your Tribe: Women Supporting Women